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Greenland is a large region along the coast of northwest Europe. The Greenland ice sheet covers more than 35 percent of the Greenland Island and it is the largest island among all islands in the area. As a consequence of this large mass of ice, the temperature in this region is cold and people who live there have adapted to survive in these conditions. The Greenland Sumit Bank is located in a large area of Greenland that is covered by land.

This bank is formed from glacial deposits, which are very rare and at the same time extremely large. There are about two thousand glaciers in this large area and each one of them has its own ice field and drainage system. It is the only way that glacial melt water can be drained from the ice into the ocean. Because the ice moves slowly, and because the currents in the region can keep large volumes of ice moving for many millions of years, this is possible. Scientists find this fascinating process of water draining and ice melting. They study this process in detail through research expeditions like the Greenland Ice Study.

Summers are when the ice gets very large, which causes the sea ice layer to thin and extend beyond Greenland's ice line. The North Atlantic ocean volume increases due to the melting of snow and ice, which helps keep the cold air out. This causes the chilly air mass to expand upward towards the southern poles. This phenomenon has been observed in the past centuries. Scientists have concluded that the current warm climate is due the large melting of sea ice. This process is likely to continue in the future.

Researchers believe that the winter months could have the greatest impact on weather conditions due to sea ice changes. Temperature variations are known to vary in this period and a reduction in the thickness of the ice could mean warm climate. At the same time it could also mean strong winds and more frequent rain. Warm air will likely help to generate clouds in winter, which will result in a shift in wind patterns. Due to all these factors there is a chance that stormy weather conditions could develop which could be accompanied by light rainfall.

Some experts don't believe that a North Atlantic sea ice meltdown will have any significant impact on weather conditions. They believe that climate changes are part of nature. According to them, large melting of ice will occur and it will help lead to fluctuations in the atmospheric pressure and this will cause slight variations in the temperature. There is also a possibility that precipitation will increase due to melting ice and this will contribute to flood problems in regions with low elevations. There is also a chance that icebergs will start to form and this could cause severe weather conditions in the region.

Apart from all these there is also another side to take into consideration. If the Greenland ice breaks up into smaller pieces this will release the meltwater into the ocean. This will accelerate global warming by increasing the rate at which heat is disappearing from Earth. Satellite images have shown that large amounts meltwater are being released each year from the ice. This is why experts believe the Arctic region is experiencing more severe weather than usual. They believe that meltwater is also playing a significant role in changing wind patterns and direction near the Arctic.


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